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White Plains & New City, New York Estate Planning & Elder Law Firm

Estate Planning and Elder Law Blog

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Category: Estate Planning

Estate planning services refer to the process of managing and distributing one's assets and properties after their death, in a way that ensures the smooth transfer of wealth to the intended beneficiaries while minimizing taxes and other expenses. Estate planning services may include drafting legal documents such as wills, trusts, and powers of attorney, as well as providing guidance and advice on strategies for asset protection and wealth transfer. These services may be provided by lawyers, financial advisors, or other professionals with expertise in estate planning. Effective estate planning can help individuals achieve their long-term financial goals and provide peace of mind for themselves and their loved ones.

Open enrollment mistakes

Does an Elder Orphan Need an Estate Plan?

Posted on: April 26, 2022 | By: David Parker, Esq.
This is big concern for millions of older Americans who don’t have a spouse, children or other family they can depend on to watch out for their well-being.
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Co-op and transferring to the kids

What Happens to a Pet when Owner Dies?

Posted on: April 25, 2022 | By: David Parker, Esq.
While it’s never fun or pleasant to think about what will happen to them if the worst should happen to us, it’s very important to consider how we can ensure that they are well cared-for when and if we are no longer able to care for them ourselves.
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Assistance for caregivers

What Did Diana Rigg Leave Her Daughter in Her Will?

Posted on: April 20, 2022 | By: David Parker, Esq.
Diana Rigg left her daughter Rachael Stirling £3 million of her fortune after a "traumatic" time living with her before she died, according to reports.
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New IRS portability rules

How Does a Trust Fund Work?

Posted on: April 19, 2022 | By: David Parker, Esq.
Trust funds are an important estate planning tool. They can protect your assets while you’re alive and help ensure that you leave money to your children or other loved ones after you die.
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New RMD rules

What are the New IRA Distribution Rules?

Posted on: April 18, 2022 | By: David Parker, Esq.
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) recently issued much anticipated proposed regulations that clarify and revise some of the required minimum distribution (RMD) rules for qualified plans (i.e., 401ks, 403bs, etc.) and individual retirement accounts (IRAs).
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Where is your Health Care Power of Attorney ?

Can I Avoid the Economic Dangers of Caregiving?

Posted on: April 14, 2022 | By: David Parker, Esq.
If caregiving looms in your future — and it likely does if you’re a daughter, an only child or the one (if you are, you know what I mean) — take time now to protect your financial life.
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What was in Ray Liotta 's Will

Trust - Is Estate Planning Affected by Property in Two States?

Posted on: April 12, 2022 | By: David Parker, Esq.
When it comes to owning property in two different states, you may wonder how to manage these in your estate plans.
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Don't make these estate planning mistakes

No Will? What Happens Now Can Be a Horror Show

Posted on: April 11, 2022 | By: David Parker, Esq.
It's hard for a family to recuperate when the patriarchs and matriarchs have gone to glory, leaving a battle for who will carry the family's leadership role and manage the family's transition of wealth.
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What's your end of life plan?

What Helps Create the Best End Of Life Plan?

Posted on: April 8, 2022 | By: David Parker, Esq.
A new study explores how specialized care providers can navigate conversations about end-of-life care and help patients optimize their quality of life and mitigate suffering.
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What's new with Tricare?

What Should I Know about Tricare When I Retire?

Posted on: April 7, 2022 | By: David Parker, Esq.
’Plan for what is difficult while it is easy’ is an apt quote regarding healthcare in general and Tricare in particular. If you’re transitioning out of the military, it’s important to know your responsibilities and form a strategy well in advance of your separation date.
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222 Bloomingdale Rd #301,
White Plains, NY 10605

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New City, NY 10956

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