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Estate Planning and Elder Law Blog

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New City Estate Planning Attorney working with couple to create will

The Implications of Dying Without a Will in New York

Posted on: September 11, 2023 | By: David Parker, Esq.
Dying intestate can have unintended consequences for pretty much every family type. However, it is especially painful if there are unmarried partners or stepchildren, who are left out under the law in almost every scenario.
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Make a will month

August is National Make-A-Will Month

Posted on: August 15, 2023 | By: David Parker, Esq.
A well-crafted estate plan can achieve security, peace of mind for loved ones, and impact for your favorite charities.
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college kid and legal documents

Is Your Kid off to College? Don't Forget These Legal Documents

Posted on: July 25, 2023 | By: David Parker, Esq.
Many things change from a legal standpoint once kids become independent adults and head off to college. Review the checklist below to prepare your kid for life's next journey.
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probate and debt

What Debts Must Be Paid Before and After Probate?

Posted on: July 5, 2023 | By: David Parker, Esq.
When a loved one dies leaving property, debts and a mortgage, and if he did not have a living trust, probate is required to sort everything out.
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Creating a legacy of caring

How Grandfathers and Senior Dads Leave a Legacy of Caring for Their Families

Posted on: June 13, 2023 | By: David Parker, Esq.
Congratulations, Dad. You’ve raised your children, who now have children of their own. Despite all the obstacles of recent years, the family is thriving. You feel good about how you’ve led your life and are hopeful about the years ahead. The next thing on your agenda: creating a legacy of caring for your family. This […]
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Protecting Inheritances in a Blended Family

Protecting Inheritances in a Blended Family

Posted on: June 7, 2023 | By: David Parker, Esq.
As divorce and second marriages become increasingly common, more people find themselves raising children who are not biologically their own. Estate planning for blended families should address this unique situation.
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When Am I Told If I’m a Beneficiary of a Will?

Posted on: May 18, 2023 | By: David Parker, Esq.
Wills must go to probate court to prove their validity. Beneficiaries of a will must be notified no later than three months after the will is accepted for probate.
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New City Probate

What Is Probate?

Posted on: May 1, 2023 | By: David Parker, Esq.
Unless they’ve experienced it themselves, most people don’t know what happens after the funeral is over and mourners return to their lives. A recent article from San Francisco Bay Times, “Probate in a Nutshell,” explains how the probate process works. Probate is the legal process of administering the estate of a deceased person. It includes […]
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National Healthcare Decisions Day

National Healthcare Decisions Day

Posted on: April 15, 2023 | By: David Parker, Esq.
National Healthcare Decisions Day is April 16.  Sponsor of The Conversation Project, The Institute for Healthcare Improvement uses this date to remind the public of the importance of having conversations and documenting our healthcare wishes for the future. Advance care planning or an advance directive is a legal document that states a person’s preferences for […]
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What Causes Ringing in My Ears?

Posted on: March 24, 2023 | By: David Parker, Esq.
Tinnitus is common; as many as 30 million Americans have the condition. Of this 30 million, 20% report that they are disabled by it.
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White Plains, NY 10605

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New City, NY 10956

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